1:1 Human Design Reading
Service Description
The core of manifestation, spiritual alignment, self mastery and authenticity is Energy. As within so without, as above so below... This is why your Human Design is so important! Your Human Design is the explanation of HOW exactly your Energy is Designed to be used every single day in order to stay in alignment with all that is and your souls purpose. In this reading, you will discover exactly that! We will dive deep into your Genetic Soul Map and discuss your Energy Type, Strategy, Authority, Personality Profile, Self & Not Self themes, Energy Gifts, Cross of Incarnation, and key planetary alignments. The intention of this reading is to re-align you with your Human Design to open up greater magnetism and flow in your life. **Please Note: If there is a time/date that is not available, please email me at hello@shesagod.com & I'll open something up!**
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